Trend Analysis on Reading Proficiency Level of Grade Six Learners of Gumaca East And West Districts, Schools Division of Quezon Province: Basis for Strategic Policy Intervention
John Ray Libao | Joy Montejo
Discipline: Education
This study was designed to explore and understand the common experiences of mothers whose children were sexually abused by their biological father. It is a qualitative approach using multiple case study research design. The study was conducted to selected Shelter House of Sexually Abused Children specifically Incest case. Three (3) mothers referred by Laura Vicuña Foundation; four (4) from Palayan City Home for Girls; and three (3) mothers from NCR referred by Guidance Counselors with the case of Incest. The criteria of selection were limited to mothers whose daughter was sexually abused by their biological father. The ages of the children are between 7 and 16 years old who are still living with their mothers whose ages range from 40-59 years old. The study revealed that the experiences before, during and after the disclosure, were described as painful, unbelievable, and unexpected by the mothers. The indicative themes directly helped the mothers realize the difficulties they encountered in the arms of their own biological fathers. This represents how the indicative themes of time, person and event leads to the discovery of the abuse which leads to positive responses of being strong for their daughters as represented by the results. However, during the disclosure of the abused, it was revealed that there is an evident vision of a mother in anger and pain knowing that their daughters were abused by their biological fathers, a mother in confusion who cannot easily manage and understand the entire scene of the abuse, a mother in a jealous state since her daughter confided that in the long run of the abuse, she felt the sexual urge with his father. More so, a mother in shame is also visible for her daughter as well as her entire family because they may be put into conviction by the people around them and a mother of strength who never doubted their heart of sending her husband to jail and let him pay for his crime. Finally, the aftershock or final disclosure was also a painful revelation among daughters who were sexually abused by their own biological fathers. As such, mothers are being their daughter’s shoulder to cry on, a cure to their aching hearts, a protective shield against harm, a genuine friend, and a hero to win the battle for their abused daughters. The mother and daughter respectively signify their continuous determination to move on with life and be a positive will of helping their daughters to survive from the abuse. Thus, the result became the basis in the development of a TOOLKIT FOR MOTHERS OF SEXUALLY ABUSED CHILDREN. This would be used by the guidance counselors, in helping mothers to cope up with the trauma, community and shelter house catering sexually abused children, and most specially, mothers who are the second victim of the abuse.
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