HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 9 (2024)

The Plight of School Heads During Armed Conflict: The Untold Stories

Rogelio Caliwan | Jason Almoete | Elreen Delavin

Discipline: Education



In this study, school heads in Cawayan East District, Division of Masbate, share their experiences, coping strategies, and insights before, during, and after armed conflict. Thematic examination of coded replies reveals the emergence of numerous major themes. When there is gunfire, school administrators first react instinctively, putting students' and instructors' safety first. They also display a range of fears, from complacent to post-traumatic, underscoring the nuanced emotional cost of these experiences. Even in the face of chaotic events, logical reactions take hold, such as proactive information sharing and dispelling false information. Modular learning, self-care techniques like self-healing or staying occupied, and expert mental health help are examples of coping mechanisms. The significance of being organized, following child protection procedures, and giving communication and safety procedures top priority are all emphasized by insights. The research comes to an end.


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