Pink Tax and Feminine Branding: Awareness, Motivations, and Perception of Filipina Youth Consumers in Cauayan City, Isabela
Danica R. Tuliao | Joshua V. Mariano | Jaime B. Reyes | Joan A. Quilang
Discipline: management studies
This study investigated the level of awareness, motivating factors, and overall perception of Filipina youth
regarding the pink tax, a pricing phenomenon wherein products marketed to women, often using the color pink,
were more expensive than comparable men’s products. Despite the prevalence of pink marketing strategies, the
pink tax remained underexplored in the Philippines. The study aimed to understand the extent of awareness,
driving factors, and overall perception of Filipina youth on the pink tax, as well as the correlations among
awareness, driving factors, and perception of pink products affected by pink tax, caused by pink marketing
strategies. A quantitative-descriptive research design was employed, with a correlational research design used to
identify relationships among variables, such as respondents' awareness of pink tax, motivating factors influencing
their purchase of pink products, and their overall perception. The study concluded that Filipina youth consumers
were aware of feminine branding and pink marketing strategies, as well as the pink tax applied to products intended
for women. Awareness primarily came from their use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and YouTube. The study revealed a significant positive correlation between awareness of feminine
branding, pink products, and pink tax, along with driving factors influencing respondents' purchase decisions and
their overall perception of pink tax. It also found that awareness of feminine branding and pink tax influenced
respondents' perspectives on whether pink tax had positive or negative effects. Those perceiving pink tax positively
believed pink products were higher quality, while those perceiving it negatively found it unfair, insulting, and
discriminatory. The study recommended that the government, particularly the legislative body, study the impact of
pink tax on consumers and utilize this research to develop relevant legislation addressing the pink tax
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