HomeSukisokvol. 4 no. 1 (2024)

An Analysis on the Awareness and Practices of Consumer Protection Rights Under Republic Act No. 7394 Among Students of ISU-Cauayan City Campus

Nicole Jean B. Baquiran | Ana-Mae M. Villareal | Mark Gerry B. Maramag

Discipline: others in business and management



In the Philippines, Republic Act No. 7394, known as the Consumer Act of 1992, stands as landmark legislation aimed at protecting and promoting the rights and responsibilities of consumers. This study determines the level of awareness of students from Isabela State University-Cauayan City Campus regarding their consumer rights, the prevalence of practicing their consumer responsibilities, the sources that influenced their awareness of the law, and whether there is a significant difference in awareness when grouped according to their enrolled programs. To gather information relevant to the topic, the researchers employed a quantitative approach, using self-administered questionnaires via Google Forms. The data were treated, tabulated, and analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, means, and ANOVA. The findings show that respondents were ‘moderately aware’ of the provisions protecting their consumer rights and practiced their rights ‘often’ in traditional transactions. Generally, respondents understood the aspects of the law that protect their rights and responsibilities. Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were the most common information sources on the topic. It was also found that there is a significant difference in awareness levels when respondents were grouped according to their enrolled programs. The BS Legal Management Program showed the highest level of awareness compared to other groups. The observed difference in awareness levels and the associated statistical significance (as indicated by the mean difference and p-value) could be attributed to factors such as the extensive inclusion of business and law-related subjects in management-related programs. Therefore, management students receive more in-depth discussions and exposure to legal concepts, leading to higher awareness levels. Based on these findings, it is recommended that universities conduct informative conferences on relevant laws, such as the Consumer Rights of the Philippines of 1992, which protect consumers against health and safety hazards, as well as deceptive, unfair, and unconscionable sales acts and practices. Additionally, further studies can explore the relationship between respondents’ demographic profiles, such as income, educational attainment, and geographic location, and their awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions regarding their consumer rights and responsibilities.


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