Examining the Prevalence of Academic Dishonesty Among Selected College Students of North Luzon
Kleny Claire A. Leano | April Ann A. Andres | Aira Mae F. Balingao | Kevin L. De La Calzada
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
Academic dishonesty is a pervasive problem among students in various educational programs. This study
investigates the prevalence of academic dishonesty among students in the English program. The study involves
twenty-six English students from the College University of North Luzon. Emerging from the study were five themes
related to academic dishonesty, including motivation for academic dishonesty, attitudes towards academic
integrity, methods of academic dishonesty, impact of academic dishonesty on students, and strategies for
promoting academic integrity. Findings revealed that high grades were the primary motivation for academic
dishonesty among English College students, and attitudes towards academic integrity varied among students.
Plagiarism and cheating during exams were the most common methods of academic dishonesty, and the impact
of academic dishonesty on students was primarily negative. Lastly, the study identified several strategies for
promoting academic integrity, including creating a culture of honesty, raising awareness about the consequences
of academic dishonesty, and implementing strict policies and penalties for academic misconduct. The study
concludes that average academic dishonesty presents significant obstacles to maintaining the integrity and
credibility of the English program.
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