Enhancing Fishpond Water Management: Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Automated Water Level Monitoring System
Genesis S. Jose | Jade Bautista | Claudette Mine A. Lumibao
Discipline: Computer Engineering
Fish farming is a popular form of aquaculture that utilizes dugged-out pens, which commonly source its water via irrigation systems and rivers. Traditional fishponds are manually monitored for their water levels and quality and used estimates. For this reason, a water monitoring system was developed and tested to solve the problems encountered by the owners and operators. A survey questionnaire was used to find out the problems encountered by the owners and operators of the fishponds in the traditional method of water monitoring. The developed water system was tested in 97 fishponds in Santiago City, and the owners and operators evaluated its performance. The most common problems experienced by the owners and operators in the need for manual monitoring and estimating the water levels as well as the overheating of pipes and machines during water replenishment and draining for harvesting and during times of water excess such as during rainy season. The owners and operators of fishponds assess the developed water monitoring system as effective in solving their problems of maintaining the desired water levels and quality. The most effective function and operation of the developed water monitoring system is the capability of the system to program the desired functions and operations, such as scheduling of stocking and harvesting, as well as operating according to the needs of water maintenance and monitoring of the fishponds. It was then concluded that the developed water monitoring system is effective in solving the problems of the owners and operators in terms of keeping the water in the fishponds at the desired quality and quantity. It was recommended that the developed water monitoring system be tried at different times of the year and different seasons to find out its effectiveness in various seasonal differences that affect water levels and quality in fishponds.
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