Ethical Problems in Nursing Management

Armida A. Bibat | Belinda A Ramos

Discipline: Others in Nursing



Nursing is a noble profession dealing with life and death. With the advent of technologies, changes in values and beliefs happen posing decision-making in terms of what is ethical and what is not. This study aims to identify the ethical problems in nursing management encountered by hospital nurses as well as determine their level of moral sensitivity. The research employed the descriptive survey method to find out the ethical problems and moral sensitivity of 50 nurses, both chief, head, and staff nurses, in four (4) primary-level hospitals in Roxas, Isabela. Results showed that the respondents are fairly young, are female, are staff nurses, and have been in the service for less than 1 year. Ethical problems are sometimes encountered except in the area of interrelationships with fellow healthcare professionals, which is rarely encountered. The nurses also have good moral and ethical sensitivity. There is no difference in the problems encountered by the nurses in terms of their demographic profile. Still, moral and ethical sensitivity varies according to age groups, with younger nurses exhibiting better moral and ethical sensitivity. It can be concluded that nurses sometimes experience ethical problems in the practice of their profession, but this is not related to their level of moral/ethical sensitivity. It is thus recommended that further study must be conducted in a larger population in different categories of healthcare workers for a better generalizability of results.


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