Macronutrient Analysis of Popular Street Foods Sold along the University Campus

Mary Jane H. Gonzales | Marisa S. Tan | Belinda A Ramos | Roland Rey Y. Monroy

Discipline: food and beverage studies (non-specific)



Street foods are very popular, especially in Southeast Asian countries. In the Philippines, it is patronized by the general public not only because it is cheap and considered to be nutritious but also because it is very accessible and available throughout the day and at night. The study aimed to find out the macronutrient contents of the three (3) most popular street foods sold by sidewalk vendors in the vicinity of the University. Three (3) sidewalk vendors voluntarily participated in the study by submitting their version of kwek-kwek, dynamite, and Shanghai roll for nutritional analysis by a certified nutritionist. Results showed variations in the macronutrient contents in the kilogram street food sample and the 1-piece food sample. The street foods showed high carbohydrates, high protein and high fat contents. The amounts of these macronutrients are similar in the 1-piece sample in terms of the weight per piece. It was concluded that the studied street foods are rich in macronutrients and are good sources of energy for student consumers. The research recommends the amount of these macronutrients must be studied along the lines of healthy quantities for the safety and health benefits of consuming these easily accessed foods.


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