Risk Safety Management Practices of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) - Isabela for Construction Site Accident Prevention
Peter Paul Cagatao | Rema A. Ariola
Discipline: Civil Engineering
Construction work is still the most hazardous job in the world, accounting for the highest accidents and fatalities related to work. This scenario motivated the researcher to find out the risk safety management practices of the construction workers hired by the Department of Public Works and Highways of Isabela for construction site accident prevention. The study also would like to find out their concept of risk safety management and identify hazards existing in their workplace. The study was conducted in a construction site being managed by the DPWH among 50 workers of different job descriptions who voluntarily participated in the study. Results showed that the construction workers have very good concepts and practices of risk safety management. There was no difference in the concept and practice of risk safety management of the construction workers when grouped according to age, civil status, highest educational attainment, and job description. Still, the status of employment is a factor that affects their concept and practice of risk safety management. Full-time workers have better concepts and better practices of risk safety management than their part-time counterparts. This finding led to the conclusion that construction work is hazardous based on the existing risks that are inherent to the work in spite of the government's efforts to mitigate such work conditions in the workplace. It is thus recommended that responsible government agencies and organizations conduct regular and random assessments of construction sites to evaluate the level of compliance with safety standards for construction industries. Further studies are also recommended to find out the types and rates of injuries in construction works.
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