Solid Waste Management Practices among the Parishioners of the Diocese of Ilagan

Celso Rey Larracas | Jade Bautista | Rema A. Ariola

Discipline: environmental sciences



The Catholic Church has called on the faithful to practice environmental protection through the “Laudato Si” manifesto. Part of the responsibility of protecting the planet is having good solid waste management in the community. In this regard, this study aims to find out the solid waste management practices of the 369 parishioners of the Diocese of Ilagan and identify problems in the practice using a survey questionnaire. Findings showed that the parishioners “sometimes” practice reduction of solid waste, “seldom” practice reuse, and “sometimes” practice recycling of solid waste. The most common problems encountered by the parishioners in their solid waste management are: there are no available garbage bins in public places, no regular garbage collection, and no recycling centers in ranks one, two, and three, respectively. Parishioners “sometimes” practice solid waste management because it is only encouraged. Still, the church makes no follow-through efforts to monitor and determine the level of practice of the parishioners on solid waste management. It is thus recommended that Local Government Units solicit collaboration from non-government institutions like local churches to be able to intensive solid waste management efforts in the locality.


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