English As A Foreign Language (EFL) Classroom Anxiety, Risk-Taking Behavior and Willingness to Communicate Among Chinese College Students
Ye Qianqian | Beverly T. Caiga
Discipline: English studies
This study investigates the relationship
between risk-taking behavior, foreign language (EFL)
classroom anxiety, and willingness to communicate
(WTC) among Chinese college students (n=410).
Effective communication is crucial for language
acquisition, and fostering WTC is essential. However,
factors like anxiety can hinder this.
The study explores how risk-taking and anxiety
influence WTC in freshmen and sophomore students
from liberal arts and science backgrounds.
Quantitative data was collected through surveys in
Hebei Province, China.
Results showed students experience negative
evaluation, communication, and test anxiety. Their
WTC in listening, speaking, reading, and writing was
average, and risk-taking behavior was low.
Importantly, a significant negative correlation
emerged between risk-taking and anxiety, and a
positive correlation between risk-taking and WTC.
Based on these findings, the study proposes an
action plan for improving English language learning.
This plan offers practical suggestions for teachers,
focusing on cultivating a risk-taking spirit,
encouraging classroom participation, and reducing
student anxiety. By implementing these strategies,
teachers can enhance students' WTC and promote the
social and communicative aspects of language
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ISSN 3028-2632 (Online)
ISSN 2782-8557 (Print)