HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Developmentvol. 12 no. 2 Part 1 (2024)

Academic Self-Concept, Efficacy, and Procrastination Behavior among College Students in China

Xu Wei | Beverly T. Caiga

Discipline: Education



The study aims to explore the relationship among academic procrastination behavior among college students, academic selfconcept and academic self-efficacy. It examines the effect mechanism of academic self-concept on academic procrastination behavior. This study enriched relevant research on college students 'academic procrastination behavior, and provide a corresponding theoretical basis for improving college students' learning habits and learning efficiency. This study utilizes 437 survey questionnaires through the combination of the Academic SelfEfficacy and Academic Procrastination and the General Academic Self-Concept Scale of Young People and College Students. Descriptive statistical analysis, and regression analysis were completed using SPSS software The results of the study show the overall level of academic self-concept of contemporary college students is relatively general while the level of academic self-concept shows significant age differences. The overall level of academic self-efficacy of contemporary college students is relatively general, and the level of academic self-efficacy shows significant age differences. Nowadays, students in Chinese colleges and universities have academic procrastination behavior, and the level of academic procrastination behavior shows significant differences between sexes. Students 'academic selfefficacy plays a partial intermediary role between academic procrastination behavior and academic self-concept, college students' academic self-concept can affect their level of academic self-efficacy, thus affecting their academic procrastination behavior. A training program was suggested to improve the academic procrastination of Chinese college students.


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