HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Developmentvol. 12 no. 2 Part 1 (2024)

Organizational Support, Work Engagement, and Self-efficacy among University Counselors in Northern China

Li Wangze | Annalie D. Pateña

Discipline: management studies



This study investigated the levels of organizational support, work engagement, and selfefficacy among university counselors in northern China. It determined the degree of organizational support available to college counselors from organizations, supervisors, colleagues, and students; assessed work engagement through sub-variables such as vigor, dedication, and absorption; evaluate selfefficacy by exploring counselors' confidence in handling challenges and examining self-efficacy beliefs in different work aspects; and explored the interrelationships among organizational support, work engagement, and self-efficacy. A descriptivecorrelational research design was employed, with data collected through surveys distributed to university counselors in northern China. Findings revealed that counselors generally perceive moderate to high levels of organizational support, particularly from supervisors and colleagues. Work engagement levels were relatively high, with strong scores in vigor and dedication. Self-efficacy levels varied, with higher confidence observed in handling student-related tasks compared to administrative duties. Significant positive correlations were found among organizational support, work engagement, and self-efficacy. Key areas for improvement include job security, promotion opportunities, and competitive salaries. While this study provides valuable insights into these areas, it is important to acknowledge certain limitations. The sample, drawn exclusively from five universities in northern China, may not fully represent university counselors across the entire country. Future research should include a more diverse sample from various regions and university types to improve generalizability. Additionally, although correlations among the variables were identified, these do not imply causation.


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