Online Learning Beliefs, Literacy, and Engagement Among Chinese University Students
Luo Congzheng
Discipline: Education
The rapid adoption of online learning
platforms in Chinese universities necessitates a
comprehensive understanding of student experiences.
This study explores online learning beliefs, literacy,
and engagement among Chinese university students.
We examine their attitudes, perceptions of
effectiveness, and online learning skill development.
Additionally, the study investigates factors influencing
student motivation and participation in online
The findings highlight a general consensus among
students regarding online learning: its accessibility,
the learning environment it fosters, and the level of
social engagement it facilitates. Interestingly, student
profiles (gender, year of study, major) did not
significantly influence these beliefs. However, a
crucial positive relationship was identified between
the three core variables – beliefs, literacy, and
engagement. This suggests that stronger positive
beliefs about online learning translate to better online
learning literacy and a higher level of engagement
with online learning platforms.
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ISSN 2782-8557 (Print)