HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Developmentvol. 12 no. 2 Part 1 (2024)

Performance Management and Evaluation Systems among Science Teachers in Chinese Private Middle Schools

Shang Qingbo

Discipline: human resource management



This paper is devoted to the in-depth analysis and evaluation of the performance management and evaluation system of middle school teachers, aiming at building a comprehensive and effective improvement strategy framework. The core purpose of this strategic framework is to promote the professional development of teachers and enhance their teaching capabilities, thereby significantly improving the quality of education in schools. In the process of achieving these objectives, special attention is paid to identifying and resolving problems and deficiencies in the existing performance management and evaluation system, including but not limited to key issues such as inconsistent evaluation criteria, lack of feedback mechanisms, and improper incentive measures. It will also explore how to better meet the growth needs of teachers in their careers and how to provide teachers with appropriate professional recognition through performance management systems. Through in-depth research and understanding of these key issues, it is expected to formulate fair and transparent evaluation standards, establish timely and constructive feedback mechanisms, and design an incentive system that can truly stimulate teachers' inner motivation. The improvement strategy will integrate a variety of research methods, including questionnaires, in-depth interviews and case studies, and strive to collect data from multiple perspectives to ensure the comprehensiveness and accuracy of research results. At the same time, we will actively refer to the advanced performance management theory and practice cases at home and abroad, combined with the actual situation of middle school education in our country, and put forward feasible optimization suggestions.


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