HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Developmentvol. 12 no. 2 Part 1 (2024)

Sports Motivation, Attitude, and Well-Being Among Chinese Non-Sports Majors

Zhang Sanbao | Annalie D. Pateña

Discipline: Education



This study determines the relationship among sports motivation, sports attitude and happiness of non-sports major college students in China. The analysis and discussion of the relationship and influence between the three can help schools to fully understand the needs of students, timely adjust the content of education policies and plans, clarify the key and difficult points of teaching goals, and formulate sports programs that adapt to and meet the needs of students. In this paper, 814 college students were investigated using survey questionnaire, Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, reliability and validity test, difference analysis and correlation analysis. Through the analysis, we have a deeper understanding of the intrinsic causal relationship between sports motivation, sports attitude and happiness. The results show that there is a significant relationship and positive correlation between sports motivation, sports attitude and happiness, that is, the stronger the sports motivation, the more positive the sports attitude; the higher the motivation of exercise, the higher the level of happiness. Positive attitude towards sports can effectively improve the happiness of college students. Therefore, schools should not only pay attention to students' academic performance, but also pay more attention to students' physical and mental health, social interaction and self-realization of happiness. According to the needs of students, the school gives corresponding policies and teaching support, and actively guides college students to participate in sports activities. At the same time, the purpose of this study is to enhance college students' sports motivation and attitude by revealing the causal relationship among sports motivation, sports attitude and happiness, so as to enhance college students' happiness. The research results also provide a reference direction for humanistic management and education teaching in schools, which is the significance of the research.


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