Analysis of the Trends and Factors Associated with the Availment of Optional Retirement among PNP Personnel
Maria May M. Ambata | Kyle Gabriel E. Bautista | Noel B. Enoc | Irine B. Hizon | Kevin E. Pamaos | Elizabeth Buena-Villa | Froilan D. Mobo | Nathaniel S. Golla
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
This research study aimed to analyze the emerging trends of optional retirement among PNP personnel and present the trends in the NHQwhich was the highest number of applicants for early retirement. It focused on ascertaining the various contributory factors that lead to the vast increase in PNP personnel acquiring early retirement. This study also determined the major or common causes why PNP person-nel opted to avail of the optional retirement rather than rendering the full length of service.It led to the specification of causal factors includ-ing personal reasons, workplace conditions, broader organizational issues, and others. This reflected the complex relationship of personal and organizational dynamics that influence retirement decisions within the PNP organization.This study employed a descriptive method of investigation, utilizing stratified random sampling to select the thirty-six (36) respondents. The information gathered from the group of participants from the records at the PRBS conducted at the National Headquarters (NHQ) of the Philippine National Police situ-ated in Camp Rafael T. Crame, Quezon City. From 2019 to 2024 appli-cants submitted requests for optional retirement benefits. The find-ings led the PNP organization to propose recommendedpolicy en-hancementby the respondents which may be forwarded to the Ad-ministrative and Resource Management Division to retain the remain-ing personnel and maintain morale, such as providing incentives or professional growth opportunities. The management may also strate-gize on the effective promotion of the organization to encourage more qualified candidates to apply and sustain the ideal workforce balance within the police organization.
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