In-Depth Exploration of The Constraints Connected to Diverse Curriculum Designs on A Global Scale: A Literature Review
Md Shaoan | Thi Phan | Miracle Okafor | Ayu Lahinta | Punsadini Namayakkara
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
This literature review thoroughly examines the challenges associ-ated with diverse curriculum designs across various educational con-texts worldwide. The study identifies key constraints and elaborates on how design-based curricula effectively implement diverse educa-tional approaches. The global challenges of diverse curriculum de-signs arise from sociocultural disparities, fragmented policies, and unequal distribution of resources. Research indicates that rigid na-tional standards often conflict with local educational needs, limiting inclusivity and adaptability. Additionally, the review explores how these challenges impact educational outcomes and curricula, high-lighting those global benchmarks may marginalize indigenous knowledge systems and overlook the unique needs of refugee stu-dents. The findings emphasize the necessity for adaptive strategies and context-sensitive approaches to address these challenges and promote inclusive educational practices. Curriculum design should balance global competencies with local relevance. This review con-tributes to the broader discussion on global education reform by providing insights for policymakers, educators, and researchers who aim to enhance curricular diversity and tackle the barriers that hinder effective integration. Addressing these challenges is essential for fos-tering equitable education, promoting cultural preservation, and pre-paring students for an interconnected world.
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