HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 6 no. 1 (2025)

Leadership Styles and Technical Knowledge of Public Employees in Nueva Ecija

Mary Catingco-Guiang | Zenaida Cabute | John Dela Cruz

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



This research study described and examined the relationship of leadership styles and acquired technical knowledge on project im-plementation practices among division chiefs and department heads in the provincial government. The study utilized Mixed Method of Research. Further, there were 64 respondents partici-pated in the study. Results showed that majority of the respondents manifested democratic aspects of leadership. Also, there was a sig-nificant difference on the level of leadership styles of the respond-ents as to democratic aspects was noted when grouped according to dimensions, a significant difference on the level of leadership styles of the respondents. Findings further revealed that democratic as-pects was positively correlated with Acquired Technical Knowledge on Project Implementation in terms of Activities/ projects/pro-grams implemented, Leadership Styles on Project Implementation Practices as to delegative aspect was positively correlated with Ac-quired Technical Knowledge on Project Implementation in terms of Activities/ projects/programs implemented. Hence, Leadership Styles on Project Implementation Practices as to delegative aspect was negatively correlated with Acquired Technical Knowledge on Project Implementation in terms of transparency aspect. It was also found out that overlapping workloads and complex documentary preparations and submission of reports were the issues and prob-lems encountered by the respondents. The study recommended the implementation of intervention program to enhance the Technical Knowledge on Project Implementation Practices.


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