Managing Group Conflict and Decision-Making Skills among School Administrators of Public Higher Education Institutions in Sulu
Fermina Omar Anuddi
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
This descriptive-correlational study investigates the extent of conflict management and decision-making skills among public higher education institution administrators in Sulu for the Academic Year 2022-2023. The respondents in this study are 200 faculty members, with several statistical methods applied, including fre-quency counts, percentages, weighted means, standard deviations, t-tests for independent samples, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson's r. Most respondents were between 20 and 35 years old, female, married, and holding a master's degree. Many faculty members re-ported having served from 1 to 15 years in their respective institu-tions. In fact, the respondents agreed that the administrators were pretty successful in getting faculty involved in key decisions con-cerning the institutions. They also graded the administrators as vig-ilant and decisive when dealing with sensitive and critical matters. Interestingly, differences in ratings regarding the faculty's eval-uation of administrators' skills for conflict management and deci-sion-making by age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, and years of service do not indicate statistical significance. But those who have high grades of administrators for the management of con-flict also graded highly the ability to make decisions. This study sup-ports Rahim's (2002) proposition that successful conflict manage-ment is made of multiple strategies. Thus, those administrators who make effective decisions on handling conflicts would tend to be good decision-makers. Finally, it has underlined that to achieve better and sound deci-sion making as well as better management of the institutions in con-flict management is needed to become good administrators. There-fore, good administrative leadership does not only work well to fa-cilitate more effectiveness of its own work but also enables more harmony and effectiveness within a higher education public institu-tion. More emphasis needs to be made upon their skill improve-ment.
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