Exploring Excellence: A Literature Review on Service Quality in the Hospitality Industry
Paul Justine P. Coronel
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
Service quality, defined as customers’ perceptions of service com-pared to their expectations, is critical in the hospitality industry (Vidyanata, 2022). Consistently meeting the diverse expectations of a broad customer base remains a significant challenge for service providers (Pomegbe et al., 2019). This review examines 25 empiri-cal studies, summarizing their key findings and approaches to con-solidate insights into service quality. It highlights fundamental con-cepts, theories, and practical applications while identifying research gaps and inconsistencies. Key themes include the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction, loyalty, reputation, employee satisfaction, organizational success, and competitive advantage. Influ-encing factors identified include customer satisfaction, organizational processes, and technology. The study also offers strategies for improving service quality, providing actionable insights for the hos-pitality industry.
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