HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 6 no. 1 (2025)

Analyzing the Impact of Family Dynamics on Juvenile Delinquency among Senior High School Students

Shiela Daria | Ana Dela Cruz | Edilyn Samson | Marielle Sevilla | Froilan D. Mobo | Elizabeth Villa

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



This study investigated the link between family dynamics and juve-nile delinquency among Filipino senior high school students. Intact families were associated with greater emotional stability and less de-linquency than single-parent or adoptive families; however, strong parental support and communication mitigated negative outcomes in non-traditional families. Family conflict significantly predicted nega-tive outcomes (stress, instability, academic struggles, delinquency). High parental involvement, especially in academics, was associated with positive outcomes. These findings highlight the importance of supportive family environments and underscore the need for family-focused interventions and policies to prevent juvenile delinquency.


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