HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 6 no. 1 (2025)

Implementation of Authentic Assessment among Social Studies Teachers in The Private Catholic Schools during Covid-19 Pandemic

Ednalyn M. Gorromeo

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



This research investigated the struggles faced by educators in im-plementing Authentic Assessment at Private Catholic Educational Institutes within the Diocese of Iba during the 2022-2023 school year, specifically in the 3rd Quarter period. A descriptive research method using a survey questionnaire was employed to gather data from 101 Social Studies teachers. The findings indicated that the majority of respondents were female, single, college-educated, and had been teaching for over five years. The respondents expressed confidence in their knowledge of implementing Authentic Assess-ment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visual and kinesthetic meth-ods were frequently used, with responses indicating these were employed "often," while verbal and written methods were used "sometimes." The teachers disagreed on the challenges they faced in implementing Authentic Assessment. No significant differences were found in the level of awareness on Authentic Assessment based on demographic variables such as sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, or years of teaching. However, there were significant differences in the frequency of using various assess-ment methods, particularly between visual, verbal, kinesthetic, and written methods. The study also highlighted significant differ-ences in the challenges experienced based on the highest educa-tional attainment. The researcher proposed an intervention pro-gram to address these challenges, recommending strategies such as improved report preparation, collaboration with parents and local government units, the provision of hands-on activities for students, and teacher workshops for mastery of assessment tech-niques. Future research is encouraged to replicate the study for a deeper and broader understanding of the challenges and practices related to Authentic Assessment.


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