HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 6 no. 1 (2025)

The Effectiveness of Using Venn Diagrams and Fishbone Technique in Enhancing the Performance Level of Grade VI Students in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao for the School Year 2023-2024

Cesar A. Tiburcio

Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)



This study evaluated the effectiveness of Venn Diagrams and the Fishbone Technique in enhancing the performance levels of Grade VI students in Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP). It specifically addressed the following questions: (1) What was the performance level of Grade VI students in ESP prior to using the tools? (2) What changes were observed af-ter implementing the tools in the lessons? (3) What was the performance level of Grade VI students in ESP after using the tools? The study was conducted at Sto. Tomas Elementary School (STES) and involved 25 Grade VI students (12 males and 13 females) as respondents. Data collection included pre-tests, post-tests, and group activities. Statistical anal-yses, including frequency distribution, mean comparison, and standard deviation, were employed to evaluate the re-sults. Findings revealed that students initially performed at an average level in ESP. After implementing the Venn Diagram and Fishbone Technique, a significant improvement was ob-served, with post-test results indicating an excellent perfor-mance level. These tools enabled students to construct meaning, develop deeper understanding, and perform more effectively in ESP lessons. The study concluded that the effectiveness of the Venn Diagram and Fishbone Technique depends on the teacher’s ability to design and deliver lessons systematically, aligned with learning competencies. It recommended further stud-ies to explore the applicability of these tools in other subject areas to enhance students' academic performance.


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