HomeSukisokvol. 3 no. 1 (2023)

A Comparative Study on Group Cohesion and Quality of Decision-Making in the Selected Barangays using Irving Janis' Groupthink Theory

Vida Charm G. Lampadio | Rona D. Alejo | Narsal M. Foronda Jr. | Jessa Marie L. Alvarez

Discipline: Politics



This research study examined group cohesion and decision-making quality in three selected barangays in the Philippines specifically San Miguel, San Bonifacio, and Raniag in Burgos, Isabela. Irving Janis' Groupthink Theory served as the theoretical framework for the study, which adopted a qualitative approach with a descriptive phenomenological research design. In-depth interviews and observations were utilized as primary data-gathering methods. The study revealed a strong sense of group cohesion among the barangay officials in the selected areas. However, this high level of cohesion often led to the occurrence of groupthink during the decision-making process, with symptoms such as the illusion of unanimity and self-censorship observed among the officials. Various challenges and factors contributing to groupthink were identified, including conflicting personal preferences, power dynamics, communication barriers, and a lack of diverse perspectives. To address these issues, the study highlighted strategies implemented by the barangays to prevent groupthink and improve decision-making. These strategies included promoting open communication, valuing diverse opinions, comprehensive planning, fairness, and continuous education. The study recommended that barangay officials actively work towards preventing groupthink by encouraging critical evaluation, independent thinking, and constructive dialogue. By embracing strategies such as open communication, involving diverse perspectives, thorough planning, fairness, collaboration with external sources, and continuous education, decision-making practices can be enhanced, and the negative consequences of groupthink can be avoided. Ultimately, this study contributes to the existing knowledge by filling the research gap on group cohesion and groupthink in the specific context of barangays in the Philippines. The findings provide valuable insights for improving decision-making practices and driving positive change in the local governance setting.


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