HomeSukisokvol. 3 no. 1 (2023)

Self-Sufficiency of Former 4Ps Beneficiaries in Isabela: Showcasing their Success Stories

Romalyn T. Domingo | Kristine B. Pascua | Jessa Marie L. Alvarez | Arnold T. Pascua | Jeduard E. Bernardo

Discipline: Politics



This study aims to showcase the success stories of former 4Ps beneficiaries in achieving self-sufficiency. The theory guiding this study is the structural theory of poverty. It utilized a qualitative-narrative approach to highlight how they became self-sufficient, the factors that contributed to their success, the challenges they faced, the contribution of the 4Ps program, and their ultimate success. The themes identified based on how they achieved self-sufficiency were attaining education, being hardworking and determined, identifying personal goals, and being financially literate. The factors contributing to their self-sufficiency were accessibility to the 4Ps program, finishing tertiary education, and having supportive networks. In addition, the identified challenges they encountered were financial difficulties, difficulty in managing time, and difficulty prioritizing their life goals. Furthermore, the contribution of the 4Ps program to their self-sufficiency was the provision of immediate needs and other necessities and applying budgeting knowledge and skills. These findings help improve the 4Ps program to be more effective and may guide the present 4Ps beneficiaries in managing their lives to achieve self-sufficiency.


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