HomeIAMURE International Journal of Mathematics, Engineering and Technologyvol. 3 no. 1 (2012)

[MATH]A Meta – Analysis of Experimental Research Studies on Mathematics Teaching

Myrna S. Loren

Discipline: Mathematics



Choosing correct teaching strategy and how this strategy is established, is important in teaching mathematics to attain good performance. In an effort to this, this study utilized the quantitative methods using the Meta-analysis specifically the Gene Glass technique to investigate the different experimental research studies on the effectiveness of teaching strategies in mathematics and their effect on the student achievement. Particularly, a researcher made instrument was used to determine the profile of the different research studies on mathematics’ experimental teaching strategies across the elements of Research Problem and Research Methodology. The effectiveness of those strategies across the said elements was examined using the Glass Formula. Hypotheses on significant differences in mathematics achievement of students exposed in the experimental so with the traditional method and in the effectiveness of teaching strategies in the experimental group were tested at 0.05 level of significance using the effect size formula of Gene Glass, t – test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Results showed that among the research studies reviewed, students’ achievement in mathematics utilizing the experimental teaching strategies was significantly higher compared to those students taught using the traditional ones. Furthermore, teaching strategy was identified as the significant predictor on the achievement of students in mathematics.