HomeIAMURE International Journal of Mathematics, Engineering and Technologyvol. 5 no. 1 (2013)

Factors Affecting the Correlation of Mathematics Problem Solving Performance of Engineering Students in De La Salle Lipa in Advanced Algebra and Plane and Spherical Trigonometry

Melanie D. Lugo

Discipline: Mathematics, Education



Mathematics plays a vital role in coping with continuous changes in society that shape the lives of people. As future citizens, college students need to acquire sufficient Mathematical proficiency. Branches of Mathematics such as Advanced Algebra (Advalge) and Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (Plastri) are being offered to all engineering students for the AY 2011-2012. It was anchored on three groups of correlates that contributed to problem solving capabilities of students; personal, cognitive, and social factors. The correlation analysis between the problem solving capabilities and the personal and cognitive were all found significant, while the Problem Solving skills and comprehension were also all found to be significant in final course grade in Advalge. The problem solving skills, language and peer interaction considered in the study have significant effect on the problem solving capabilities of the students in Advalge. The relationship between the cognitive factors and the problem solving capabilities was also found to be positive, while the relationship between personal and cognitive factor such as language and conceptual skills were all found significant in final course grade in Plastri. The problem solving attitude, study skills and peer interaction have significant effect on the problem solving capabilities of the students in Plastri.