HomeIAMURE International Journal of Ecology and Conservationvol. 3 no. 1 (2012)

Utilization of Lamp Shell (Lingula unguis) into Value Added Products

Daisy G. Cari-an | Rosebella L. Malo



An experimental study was conducted on the utilization of lamp shell locally known as ugpan to determine the value added products from it. The species of ugpan used was Lingula unguis and was collected in the coastal zone of Nabuswang, Canmoros, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental. Ugpan was tested as raw material into value added products. The meat was utilized into ugpan nuggets and the pedicle were used into crispy ugpan. The liking of ugpan nuggets and crispy ugpan were determined using sensory evaluation. The acceptability of the quality attributes of the value added product was determined using the 9-point hedonic scale. The liking of crispy ugpan showed 80 and 90 for the ugpan nuggets. The acceptability of crispy ugpan had a mean of 8.33 which meant like very much or very much acceptable, while the ugpan nuggets had a mean of 8.0 which meant like very much. The overall quality had a mean score of higher than 8 which means that the ugpan can be utilized into value added products. Improving the quality of ugpan nuggets can increase the hedonic score for the acceptance of the product. The result of this study will served as the extension project of the institution.

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Jackey Boy C Basal
9 months ago

Can I Read the full text