HomeIAMURE International Journal of Educationvol. 2 no. 1 (2012)

The Implementation of Online Tutorial in Abstract Algebra Course and Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions toward Their Academic Achievement

I Gusti Ayu Synta Canydia Lestari



In this 21st century education, technology plays a significant role. Blended learning, combining face-to-face class and e-learning, is being implemented in a Mathematics course at a teacher college located in Jakarta, Indonesia. Online tutorial is being used to discuss about topic in this course. The aim of this study is to explore pre-service teachers’ perception toward their achievement in learning Abstract Algebra with the implementation of Online Tutorial. The participants are pre-service teachers intake 2009 majoring Mathematics Education, enrolling in Abstract Algebra Course. Data are obtained from questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion about perceptions toward their academic achievement and interview and then analyzed qualitatively. Various responses are shown by students. There are positive response that support this Online Tutorial as a help for learning Abstract Algebra better, but others also think that the implementation need improvement to become more engaging and can cover all layer of students.