HomeManilavol. 8 no. 1 (2012)

The University of Santo Tomas Printing Press in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century (As Reflected in the Collections of the UST Archives and the Rare Book Section of the UST Central Library)

Regalado Trota Jose

Discipline: Philippine History



The printing press of the University of Santo Tomas was busy throughout the nineteenth century, but especially in the years after 1865, with the institutionalization of the University as the equivalent of today’s Department of Education. Titles ranged from prayer books to textbooks to doctoral dissertations, from prints to diplomas to newspapers. Examples will be drawn from the rich but relatively unknown wealth of rare and early books of the University especially those useful for research on Manila. Materials from the UST Archives will also be included that can throw light on Rizal and his era, in keeping with his 150th birthday.