HomeAni: Letran Calamba Research Reportvol. 1 no. 1 (2011)

A Microwave Link Connecting Sta. Cruz And Paete, Laguna For The Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company

Karla Jean Alojado | Vanessa Rose Berania | Sigmund Bradley Dizon

Discipline: Engineering, Technology



The design project intended to provide the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) a reliable microwave link design connecting PLDT Sta. Cruz and PLDT Paete in Laguna. The design was planned to support the existing system set-up which uses fiber optics for transmission. The link was designed to have a reliability of 99.9998%, as specified by the client-company, in view of all the probable attenuations.


The requirements assigned by the host company, the standards given by the National Telecommunications Commission, and other standards in relation to microwave propagation were all followed in designing the project. To prove the reliability and cost effectiveness of the design, a series of data gathering, mathematical computations, allocations of equipment, and system simulation were performed.


After accomplishing path calculations and reliability considerations, the main components of the design were determined. The single-hop design would be two 6 feet HPX6-70 Andrew Antenna, standard hangers, gray-white radome, and EW64 elliptical waveguide, all from Andrew Antenna and the Harris Truepoint 5000 digital radio.


The single-hop microwave communications system had the total investment cost which amounted to Php 5,753,286.48. The total investment yielded a 240.28% Rate of Return after 152 days of operation.