HomeDLSU Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Cultural Studiesvol. 16 no. 1 (1980)

The Linguistics Marketplace: A Buyer's Market

Andrew Gonzales | Teresita C. Rafael

Discipline: Languages, Cultural Studies



An earlier draft of this paper was presented in one of the round· table discussions held at De La Salle University among its social scientists during the first semester of 1978 - 1979 on the topic 'The Indigenization of Models in the Social Sciences in the Philippines.: The authors have attempted to survey the use of grammatical models in linguistics and to glean from a quick survey of the use of these grammatical models for studying the Philippine languages some insights into the problem of liberating the Filipino mind from foreign patterns of thought. Unexpectedly, what the authors have discovered is that in linguistics, at least, no one model dominates at present and that is even questionable whether there is a dominant paradigm, in Kuhn's sense of this term. What they show instead is that in their field, there is a proliferation of models of varying provenance, thus affording a choice which is liberating rather than confining.