HomeIAMURE International Journal of Plant Ecologyvol. 1 no. 1 (2013)

DMMMSU-SRDI Six-Year Mulberry R & D Plan (2006-2011) Implementation and Output: Quest for Philippine Silk

Minerva J. Tabafunda | Lilia A. Ancheta | Roel D. Supsup

Discipline: Ecology, Industrial Science



The Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University- Sericulture Research and Development Institute (DMMMSU-SRDI) played a pioneering role in developing the silk industry in the Philippines. Its sericulture program now established as an enterprise, engages large, marginal and small land holders to plant mulberry and rear silkworms to enhance their income and create employment for family labor year-round. This paper critically reviewed the implementation and output of the Six-Year (2006-2011) Mulberry R&D Plan to measure changes and progress towards objectives and outcomes. As most R&D institutions in developing countries that operate with limited financial resources for R&D, DMMMSU-SRDI was required to effectively and efficiently made its research outputs available for use by the local industry and society. Strategic objectives were established to attain the goal of transferring sustainable and cost-effective mulberry cultivation technology for increased production of quality cocoons. Research projects were crafted and prioritized with guidance from experts and stakeholders in annual agency in-house. A set of management elements with associated goals was used to guide the R&D program. Communication and participation of researchers in actual technology transfer resulted to the establishment of 45 sericulture demofarms in eight provinces of the country having a total area of 21.5 hectares.