HomeIAMURE International Journal of Plant Ecologyvol. 1 no. 1 (2013)

Awareness of the Nearby Residents on the Presence of Plants in a Landfill in the Philippines and Their Perception on the Uses and Role of the Plants Particularly in Pollution Mitigation

Patricia Anne G. Nazareno | Inocencio E. Buot Jr. | Nicomedes D. Briones | Carmelita M. Rebancos

Discipline: Ecology



Plants and trees have significant value in maintaining the balance cycle of the environment. The purpose of this study was to describe the awareness of the nearby residents on the presence of plants in a landfill and their perception on the uses and role of these plants particularly in pollution mitigation. A survey questionnaire composed of three main topics, namely on: [a] the operation of the landfill; [b] the awareness and perception of the residents on plants growing in the landfill and [c] their perception on the role of plants on the uptake of pollutants, was developed. Majority of the respondents agreed that the waste materials thrown to the landfill were pollutive, hazardous to human health and can contaminate the surrounding areas. The respondents were not aware that the pollution problem can also be mitigated with the application of chemicals, and they deemed that they did not get any benefits from the plants, except for the medicinal value of some plants. The majority of the respondents were not aware that plants can help mitigate the pollution problem. However, they agreed that plants and trees should be planted in the landfill to absorb excess water or the pollutants.