HomeAGHAMvol. 15 no. 1 (1992)

Gametoxicity of Naphthoquinones on the Sea Urchin Tripneustes Gratilla L.

Armando A. Andaya

Discipline: Chemistry



The gametoxic effects of the naphthoquinones {i.e., hydroquinone, catechol, and resercinol) on the sea urchin T ripneusres grarilla L. was investigated. Mature gametes were exposed to increasing concentrations of the test chemicals and the rate of att1.zinment of fertilization success was determined. The mt·dian effective inhibitory concentration (IC50) of the test chemicals was estimated by lt·ast square method. A concentration-dependent inhibition of fertilization success was demonstrated with higher rates of inhibition fallowing sperm pretreatment. The effectiveness of fertilization arrest increased in the order: resorcinol hydroquinone catechol Oxygen free radical mediated toxicity was implicated in the gametoxic effects of napthoquinones on the sea urchin.