HomeDLSU Business and Economics Reviewvol. 23 no. 1 (2013)

On Paternity Leaves and Parental Leaves – The Dilemma over “Daddy Days”

Emily Sanchez Salcedo

Discipline: Economics, Psychology



Filipino fathers generally refrain from undertaking childcare functions, an attitude that can be traced from the traditional notion that men are the economic providers while women are the nurturers of the family. In 1996, a breakthrough legislation was passed by the Philippine Legislature providing for seven days of paid paternity leave. A good beginning, but certainly not sufficient if the intention is really for the father and mother to share in the joys and pains of parenthood. Thus, Filipino women are left with no choice but to be mothers first and workers second. The article will look at experiences in the United States, Canada, France, and Sweden and conclude that a shared system of paid parental leave might be a promising solution to encourage Filipino men to perform more caring functions at home and to allow Filipino women greater participation in the world of work.