HomePULSARvol. 1 no. 1 (2012)

Overload Detector with Auto Shut-Off Engine System

James O. Castulo | Audrey Brian A. Morial | Mark Joseff A. Badua

Discipline: Engineering



This study aimed to lessen road accidents due to overloading by designing a device which utilizes an LCD that displays the weigh loaded in the vehicle and a buzzer to signal an alarm to the driver in cases of overloading. The study attempted to answer the following research issues: (a) the display on the LCD as the load varies both for increasing or decreasing loads, (b) the ability of the engine to shut-off when the vehicle is already overloaded, (c) the ability to alarm the personnel, and (d) the versatility of the device in all types of trucks.

The methods employed were the experimental development and descriptive approaches. Five purposively selected evaluators took part in assessing the functionality of the overload detector with auto shut-off engine system.

Findings showed that the device was able to detect the amount of weight and secure the safety of the driver and passengers as well. Also the device was applicable to all PUJs and other vehicles.