HomePULSARvol. 2 no. 1 (2013)

Automated Water Sprinkler System with SMS Monitoring

Jayson Fahad H. Dilangalen | Rocky John C. Pelarion | Dominic B. Wagas | Neil C. Capricho

Discipline: Engineering



This study aimed to design a device for watering the plants, specifically an automated water sprinkler that can monitor the user through SMS service system which is composed of Solenoid Valve to act as water gate, water sprinklers to distribute water evenly, GSM to inform user of the garden status, soil moisture sensor to detect the amount of moisture in the soil and microcontroller. The study sought to determine the efficiency of the system’s performance. Experimental development and descriptive methods were used for better investigation and they helped the researchers to prove and understand principles behind the project. The design project was evaluated by 11 selected evaluators who found that the device was effective and efficient in watering the plants.