HomeJPAIR Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2009)

Pre-service Education and Performances in Teacher Licensure Examination among Graduates of Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology

Sonia A. Arenillo

Discipline: Education



<p style="text-align: justify;">Performance in Licensure Examination for Teachers provides an index of the quality of teacher education program offered by the different teacher training institutions. Using descriptive-correlational and comparative surveys, data were gathered from sixty-five respondents who graduated in various fields of specialization through record analysis. Results indicated that respondents manifested better performance in pre-service education compared to their performance in LET. Analysis of data further showed that the performance in pre-service education of respondents was significantly correlated with their performance in LET in terms of general education and professional education. However, performance in subject specialization was found insignificant. Comparative analysis between male and female respondents’ performance in pre-service education revealed that different respondent groups were at par level in professional education and subject specialization. The indicative difference was prominent in general education. The performance in subject specialization differed significantly with the two groups. </p>

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1 yr ago

Greetings! I hope this message finds you well. My name is Berlyn Manicdao, a student from Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science at Pampanga State Agricultural University. I am reaching out to you as part of a group of students engaged in a research project entitled &quot;Factors Contributing to 100% Passing Rate Among Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science at Pampanga State Agricultural University&quot;. We came across your recent study titled &quot;Pre-service Education and Performances in Teacher Licensure Examination among Graduates of Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology&quot;. We are particularly interested in the questionnaires you utilized in your study as it appears that the instruments you employed closely align with the variables we are investigating, and we believe that adopting them for our research could significantly strengthen its methodology and outcomes. Would it be possible for you to share the questionnaires or survey instruments you used in your study with our group? Rest assured, proper attribution will be given for any materials you share. Thank you very much for considering our request. Warm regards, Berlyn Manicdao Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science Student Pampanga State Agricultural University