HomeISU-Cabagan Journal of Researchvol. 19 no. 2 (2010)

Efficacy of Commercial Organic Fertilizers for Cassava (Manihot Escalenta Crantz) Production In Acidic Soils

Francisco C. Taguiam | Milagros T. Bucag | Leticia S. Tabangin | Elpidio U. Daoang

Discipline: Education, Business, Agriculture, Research



The study was conducted to compare root yield of cassava using different commercial fertilizers and control (zero organic fertilizer applied; and to determine cost and return analysis of organic fertilizer application per unit area. In Crop Year 2003 set-up, Bio-synergy (11% NPK) registered highest root yield of cassava with 27.12 tons/ha followed Alpha SP (7.5% NPK) with 25.98 tons/ha and Sagana 100 (7.0% NPK) with 24.95 tons/ha using the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) Analysis of Variance. Bio-synergy was significantly different at α =0.05 level over the control (zero fertilizer) of 18.43 tons/ha with a yield difference of 8.64 tons/ha. In Crop Year 2004 set-up, same trend was observed where Biosynergy gave the highest yield of 13.33 tons/ha, Alpha SP with 11.81 tons/ha and Sagana 100 with 10.61 tons/ha and Control with 7.125 tons/ha. Bio-synergy revealed significant differences at α =0.05 level over the control (zero fertilizer) with yield advantage of 6.305 tons/ha. Cassava could tolerate long dry spell with modest yield levels in each treatment studied.