HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Developmet of JAVA Development Resource Center in TIP

Jonathan M. Caballero

Discipline: Computer Science, Information Technology



Java is one of the widely used object-oriented programming languages nowadays. Now, Java language has dominated the industry and is known in the academe. Since Java has been in demand in the industry, developing a resource center would contribute in strengthening the skills of the students. It is in this light that this study has been conceived.

This study is aimed to identify the advantages of having a Java Development Resource Center in terms of work demand and compensation advantage. A framework was also designed in order to identify the key points necessary to establish a Java Development Resource Center in an academic institution like TIP.

This study was conducted for School Year 2006-2007. In this study, the creation of strategic plan on how the establishment can be achieved through the timetable of each activity was carried out. In establishing the module framework, training, module writing, indoctrination and linkages were considered.