HomeTIP Manila Research Journal vol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Predictors of Relevance of Rizal Course

Ronald M. Corpuz

Discipline: Education, Social Science



This study endeavored to determine what variables predict the relevance of the Rizal course whether it is teacher-related variable or student-related variable. Primarily, the research determined the profile of the teacher-respondents in terms of teaching methods, attitudes, values, and competence including the student-related variable such as year level, religion, attitude, and interests.  Further, it determined the relevance of teaching the Rizal course in terms of realization of the national heroes’ moral legacies of the Philippines.

Generally, this study attempted to determine the relevance of the Rizal course in terms of realization of TIP Core Values namely: cleanliness in mind, body and surroundings, community spirit, service orientedness and commitment to extend scholarship grants.