HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Development of an Alternative Material for Acoustics Using Coconut Coir Fiber

Richel N. Robles

Discipline: Industrial Science



Several absorbing materials are extensively used to trim down the reverberation characteristics of closed spaces and to increase the transmission loss properties of absorption panels. Natural fibers such as coconut coir are agricultural wastes that have high potential to be used as acoustic material. The study emphasizes the possibility of recycling wastes from agriculture in the production of acoustic material. This paper presents a review of emerging high-end material and the agricultural in the production of acoustic material. This paper presents a review of emerging high-end material and the agricultural wastes that can be used as substitute when practicality is a major concern to conceptualize the scheme and requirements of acoustic design.

This study evaluated the absorption properties of the coconut coir fiber. Winflag software and Tone Burst method were used to calculate the acoustic impedance or absorption coefficient of coconut coir fibers.