HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Relation of Students’ Awareness of School Rules and Regulations to Institutional Discipline

Enrico P. Chavez

Discipline: Education, Social Science



Students have been into different information drive about the Institution such as the freshmen orientation and departments general assembly to inform their rights and duties as students. In addition, they are reminded of the things they should avoid while inside or gaining entry to the campus. This study was undertaken to determine the relation of student awareness on the campus rules and regulation. This study also dealt with the different means of awareness campaign that the school had been using for many years.

To determine the relation of awareness of students, variables were used to set a factors such as school rules and regulation, gender, age, student manual, bulletin board, school policies, minor violation and faculty member, which directly influenced the awareness of the students on school rules and regulations to institutional discipline. The data were collected from students who had violations from December 2006 to January 2007. The logbook of the security office served as the main source of data and the questionnaires were distributed to all minor offense violators.