HomeTIP Manila Research Journal vol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Development of a Microcontroller-Based Detector for Unauthorized Connection of TV Cable and Electrical Lines Utilizing SMS Technology

Policarpio D. Tena Iii

Discipline: Engineering, Communications, Computer Engineering



One of the common problems that we are encountering today in rural areas is electricity and cable pilfering. The researcher came up with the idea of detecting unauthorized use of TV connection and electrical lines to eliminate electricity and cable pilferage. The device is not only for detection of unauthorized connections but also serves as monitoring device to ensure continuous connection in times of calamities like typhoons, earthquakes, fires or any other incidents that may cause the cable and electrical lines fail.

This device is capable of reporting the exact location and the name of the cable and/or electric consumer whose line has been pilfered or damaged. If the electric line of the consumer has been pilfered or damaged, SMS messages will be sent back to the subscriber.

The researcher used the descriptive and experimental methods. By describing the present procedure used by the CATV operator or electric cooperative, the researcher was able to determine the different difficulties. Comparing the two systems, the researcher was able to visualize how the proposed system would operate what the system would accomplish, and how the system would be implemented. The researcher used the other practical tools to develop the proposed system and other methodologies in gathering data like surveys through questionnaires and an interview comparing the manual system of reporting to the proposed system of detecting pilfering incidents that helped the researcher to finish the study.

According to the respondents who are in favor of the proposed system, each of them has known the manual system reporting of pilferers. The researcher found out that the manual system is truly ineffective and unreliable. In the proposed system, the consumers will be assured of security that they would instantly know if their electric lines and/or CATV lines are being pilfered. Through the results of data based on survey through questionnaires and interview, the researcher met the objectives. Researcher observed that the system’s reliability, safety and convenience were efficiently and accurately achieved.