HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Web-Based Locator and Monitoring System for Tools and Equipment in Laboratories and Workshops in TIP Arlegui Campus

Susan S. Caluya

Discipline: Information Technology, Computer Technology



The study was conducted to evaluate the manual way of processing, borrowing, returning and generating of reports of tools and equipment.

An interview was conducted with the staff and custodian in the laboratories and shops to be able to visualize and analyze the transactions being performed in the said department. Observations showed that most of the students sign many forms when they borrow sensitive and disposable materials. There was much time consumed in generating reports.

PHP database and Dreamweaver were the programs used to develop the locator and monitoring system. The study was evaluated based on the following criteria: accuracy, user-friendliness, reliability and efficiency.