HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Energy Audit of TIP Arlegui Building Towards The Separation of Critical Loads

Marianne L. Yumul

Discipline: Electrical, Business and Economics



This study aimed to determine the actual power demand of TIP Arlegui Campus against the existing emergency supply. The identification of how much energy is used is quantitative and based on energy consumption records available for the facility. Through energy audit, the loads, which belong to the critical side that should be prioritized by the emergency generator, could be identified.

There are three types of audits that are described below in order of increasing degree of detail. The type of audit used is discussed at the preliminary consultation stage. First is walk-through audit, which is the least expensive. It involves an examination of the building or facility, including a visual inspection of each of the associated systems. Historic energy usage data are reviewed to analyze patterns of energy use and compare them with sector/industry averages or benchmarks for similar structures. The walk-through audit provides an initial estimate of potential savings and generates a menu of inexpensive savings options usually involving incremental improvements in organization and management. Information from this level of audit also serves as a basis for determining if a more comprehensive audit will be needed. Second is Standard Audit, which involves a more comprehensive and highly detailed evaluation. Facilities, equipment, operational systems and conditions are assessed thoroughly and on-site measurements and testing are conducted to arrive at a careful quantification of energy use, including losses. The energy efficiencies of the various systems are determined using accepted energy engineering computational techniques. Technical changes and improvements in each of the systems are analyzed to determine the corresponding potential energy and cost savings. In addition, the standard audit will include an economic analysis of the proposed technological improvements. Third is Computer Simulation, which is the most expensive and oftenly recommended for more complicated systems, structures or facilities. This involves using computer simulation software for prediction purposes (i.e., performance of buildings and systems) and consideration of effects of external factors (e.g., changes in weather and other conditions). With the computer simulation audit, a baseline related to a facility’s actual energy use is established, against which effects of system improvements are compared. This audit is often used for assessing energy performance of new buildings based on different design configurations and equipment packages.