HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Improvised Small-Scale Household Methane Gas (Biogas) Generator and Facility

Winifredo E. Gonzales | Nahum L. Bravo

Discipline: Industrial Engineering



Industrialization brings forth energy and waste management problems. Energy resources of our country are rapidly decreasing. Due to increase in demands and large production, scarcity and high cost of petroleum products are experienced. This research was conducted to look for alternative sources of energy and the construction of a simple prototype, which can generate energy for household use.

In this study, methane gas was generated from pig manure .A prototype of a low-cost methane gas generator and facility was also constructed which can be utilized by ordinary household members in various purposes such as cooking food and boiling water. The methane gas generator utilized inexpensive materials and construction of the facility was made relatively simple consisting of 4 components: biodigester drum; scrubber; gas chamber; and burner.