HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Development of Online Resources for the College of Information Technology Education Using Various Electronic Applications

Jasmin D. Niguidula | Alvin J. Teruel | Maribeth B. Fernandez

Discipline: Education, Computer Science, Information Technology



The development of online resources for the College of Information Technology Education using various applications was conceptualized due to the need for online resources that had become very important nowadays, for they serve as supplement in the learning experience of the students. Through online resources, students can see the actual picture of the materials, which might not be available in school for experiment use. Students can also be updated with the new trends in their respective disciplines.

The study has undergone evaluation, which was performed by two sets of respondents, the students and the administrators. The following criteria were used to evaluate the system as far as the intended student users are concerned: content, ease of learning, ease of use, and performance. The overall mean of the mentioned criteria is 4.36 interpreted as the student users agree on the capability of the system based on the stated criteria. On the other hand, the evaluation by the administrators, at the same time users of the system, evaluated the system using all the criteria used by the student users with the following criteria added such as installation, software compatibility and hardware. The overall mean was recorded as 4.68, which shows that the administrator users strongly agree on the capability of the system based on the criteria mentioned.